When I work with leaders around the world, one thing that fascinates me is that so many think once they’re a 6 or 7-figure earner, they don’t have any emotional drama. They think that money takes care of everything. But mastering your emotions is one of the most important topics to deal with.
I have worked with thousands of 6 figure earners at all levels of the game. And one of the most common challenges of every high-level earner is relationships.
One theme keeps coming to my mind. All you need to go to the top in this profession is just to make a decision. That’s it.
Do you know what drives me crazy? Whiners. People get involved and decide to become entrepreneurs, and then as soon as they get in, they start complaining. They complain about their upline, the product, the training, support, translations, and everything else!
A lot of us don’t go out and share our Network Marketing opportunity because we’re concerned about what people will think about us. Well, your parents already think you’re crazy. Your friends, siblings, and Facebook friends all think you’re crazy. So, what?
I’m old enough that I remember when the game Pong first came out. That was my very first video game, and the only way to level up in that game was when the balls would go faster and faster. Then, there was Miss Pac Man where you got different fruits as you leveled up. And it was exciting to be able to level up!
Today, I want to talk with you about a secret to accelerate success. And the secret is to find a friend. Whether they are in your upline, downline, or crossline, find someone in your Network Marketing company to be friends with. Treat that friend like a workout partner, and talk with them all the time. Doing this accomplishes a couple different goals.
People ask me all the time, “How do I motivate myself to take action?” And unfortunately, here’s what many in Network Marketing are doing. Even those people making money will admit that if someone were to pay them for the work they did in the last 30 days, it wouldn’t be that much pay. In other words, they aren’t acting employed.
Many people have seen the movie The Secret or read the books As a Man Thinketh, Acres of Diamonds, or Think and Grow Rich. All of them are about the idea that thoughts can become things. And that is real. So, if I was to give you or any person wanting higher levels of success advice, it would be to think about your Network Marketing business all the time.